Human Rights Violations in Brazil

Case reports in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic

Autor/Organizador: Articulação para o Monitoramento dos Direitos Humanos no Brasil (AMDH)

ISBN: 9788569343806
Status: Disponível
Idioma: Inglês

Detalhes do produto

Páginas: 145
Tamanho em Kb: 15.974
Edição: 1
Ano: 2022
Formato: Eletrônico (eBook)
Selo: Saluz
Área: Ciências humanas e sociais

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This document results from the documentation and monitoring of human rights violations in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. It is an act sponsored by the Articulation for the Monitoring of Human Rights in Brazil (AMDH), under the coordination of the National Movement for Human Rights (MNDH Brasil), the Process of Articulation and International Dialogue (PAD), and the Ecumenical Forum ACT Brazil (FE ACT Brazil), and with the direct participation of about 100 organizations and social movements that work with human rights in most
Brazilian states.

This joint initiative aims at monitoring the situation of human rights in Brazil by documenting cases of violations of such rights, in order to help fight against them and protect individuals’ human rights, especially those whose historical condition poses a higher risk, mainly in the pandemic context, so that the Brazilian State can be held accountable for their actions, based on their  constitutional and international human rights commitments.

Mais detalhes

Título Original: Violações dos direitos humanos no Brasil
Volume: 1
Data de Publicação: 10/03/2022
Data Previsão de Disponibilidade:

Detalhes da Edição: 614
BISAC Opcional:
Classificação Indicativa: Livre para todos os públicos



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